
Christmas Part 1

Well unless you have been living in a cave - You probably have heard that the midwest specifically Minnesota has had a bit of snow - about 2ft in 2 days:)
So after a lovely breakfast and exchanging gifts among the family Andy decided he wanted to venture out into the white abyss
And of course in doing so he would have to entertain Maggie. . . what to do?

throwing snowballs at the window seems like a good idea - Brillant!

Much laughter was had by all!


Christmas Tree Decorating.... Kinda

Ah December 5th ish we travel to the local corner that has a beautiful supply of lush, green Christmas Trees that are just dying to be decorated!

What was once ordinary and green is now shiny and a toy for the cat and a constant source of time outs for Maggie :)
Can't resist a cute Uncle Andy and Maggie Shot!
Like usual we started one project only to be sidetracked by something else - blocks... So Uncle David and Uncle Andy obliged Maggie and amused her while the adults finished decorating

But Then I was attacked by this beautiful little girl who just wanted to pose for the camera

Then when getting ready for bed we decided it would be cute if
Maggie wore the antlers we got for the dog :)

This is why children grow up, blame their issues on their parents, and the parents pay for their therapy .... ah the circle of life continues - And I should have gone into psychology and saved myself some money in the future :)


Halloween and more

Yes I am aware it is the week of December and I am posting about halloween...
Procrastination is my middle name
Anne means Procrastinator right ??

Anyways . . . Maggie and Andy :)
Watching the new VeggieTales - "Abe and the Amazing Promise"

their too cute together - matching legs in the air with dirty white socks

Cute little girl OR drooling wicked witch ??

All that energy used on being a cute witch required refueling so instead of trick or treating Maggie decided to take a snack break for substance in banana and chip form!

Andy took this picture and said I looked like a Vampire - He knows how to pay a girl a compliment :)

Myk n Mags


Maggie - Cardio Appointment

Maggie had an UGI with Radiology on Monday and the only result I have received is that Mags has some acid reflux but to the extent and the treatment I don't know yet.

We are meeting with a Pediatric Cardiologist on thursday to discuss what is the next step in a seemingly endless road of appointments.

Sorry I don't have any good news or cute pictures - It's just been one minor bad thing after major bad event after annoying/negative little details . . . uuuggghhhhhhh

So anyways just keep Maggie in thought and prayer - Thank You



Sweet, Angelic Maggie Vs. Wild, excited Fan
(Brad Childress, coach & Favre, Purple Savior on TV)
Vikings vs. Packers
Nothing like a football game to end a tantrum!
All 30lbs of her turns into focused smily enthusiastic football fan

(Mental note to self- need to find really tiny purple jersey)
Vikings won!!!!!!!
Myk n Mags both very happy


Call me Annie Libewitz

For something new and different this week Maggie, Andy and I traveled to the Children's Museum in St. Paul.
It was fantastic - Maggie completely enjoyed herself and I, with no formal photography education, managed to capture one of my favorite photo's to date of Mags - I only wish I took it will a real camera and not my phone - My hands are too shaky to focus -
Annie Libewitz would be proud :)

Maggie's Heart

To make a long story short - Maggie has two holes in her heart which require surgery to repair - I do not have any more details at the moment. But I will absolutely let everyone know as soon as I do!

I truly appreciate all the generous thoughts and prayers family and friends have forwarded to Maggie

I know she is in good hands with Children's Hospital of Minneapolis






A Day in the Life. . .

A Day in the Life...
It's wonderful watching Maggie's big eyes get even bigger when she sees a horse.
I love how she stands on the railing and just watches, she waits patiently on the loading dock to get on her horse, as soon as she is securely on her little saddle she smiles and begins to laugh happily.
This equestrian princess rides like the rodeo queen she is!
Even when she is wearing an orange dress - mom forgot it was horse day - whoops
This picture reminds me of when I watch jumping events on TV and they show close ups of the riders face - completely concentrated, tongue slightly out or lips slightly separated, watching the other riders analyzing ever move...

So pretty . . . :)
After an exciting day of riding and exercise, nourishment is needed,
in the form of rice is best and messiest :)

You have to enjoy life, savory your food, learn from your experiences and above all laugh and love


Maggie - pointing skills

For any other parent this may be s simple forgotten milestone with their child. 

But for me, For Maggie - This is a wonderful, long awaited and amazing milestone. 
All these months of therapy are starting to show actual and practical results. 
the first, of many to come, is pointing and identifying an image in a book. 
Larry's Nose.  
Handing me her VeggieTales Bible story book so she can help me turn pages and find Larry.

Because she is learning how to communicate better with her hands she is getting more excited when we understand her - doesn't everyone want to be understood!
Maggie is now signing 'More' - one clap
And saying 'Yes' and 'No


Joy of Water

This summer has been filled with water from various sources. Water balloons, Water bottles, hose with and without spray attachment, lawn sprinklers, fountains, pools, and even the dog's water dish. While watering the flowers I sprinkled Maggie - and you would have thought she was at the comedy club (on a good night) she was laughing from her gut, falling over and almost crying from laughter!! The simplest joys in life . . .

And of course who is always there to 'Save' her, Uncle Andy! They were both soaking wet and having SO much fun! He was throwing a ball and she was trying to catch it and then she would throw it back, the whole time he was immensely patience and encouraging to her. I have joked about Uncle Andy - But honestly he has been written into Maggie's IEP (School Documentation for her special needs) Maggie's teachers just think he is too sweet for words and wish he could come to her class regularly.

(I'm going to get you, then you have to pick me up and you'll be all wet too!)
Oh I was on to her plan - :)


Fun and New

Maggie has been participating in all sorts of Fun and New Activities. 
1. Car attachment on Cart at grocery store thingy - Uncle Andy insisted we find this Cart thingy (I'm not sure on the correct term) because he felt Maggie would enjoy it. He was right, she did enjoy the ride, however I did not enjoy steering, it was like the 18 wheeler of Carts. 
That's a relaxed and happy kiddo :) - nothing sadder than the day you out grow the seat in the grocery cart and have to walk around to shop. 

2. Horse Therapy - Oh She Loves it! When we arrive at the barn she starts to do her happy dance. Freckles is the horse Maggie rides. Her head is so small we had to adjust the helmet and put toilet paper in the back so it wouldn't slide into her face. But my little girl is so happy on her horse, nothing could bother her.
too cute for mere motherly bias
While she is riding I joke with her that she's practicing for the Olympics or the Rodeo. I'll ask - Maggie are you the rodeo queen? she laughs and waves like the true Equestrian Princess she is. I love how comfortable she is. No fear - simply joy


H2O fun

This past week when it was warm and summery (today's high, 59, feels more like September) we decided to explore the new water park at the zoo. 
Which is a double feature - Water and Animals -SCORE!
The combination of water sprouting from the ground and the sprinkling overhead is pure magic for a 3 year old. For Andy too - who, of course, was the utmost helpful uncle. 
This picture made me SO happy!! I was simply clicking away with my iPhone hoping to just get an image in focus and to my surprise when I looked through my images - A perfect mid-jump, in focus picture of Maggie practicing her awesome jumping skills. Kudos to Apple for creating a great camera phone!
If there was a medal, purple heart or Nobel peace prize equivalent for outstandingly patient uncle - My vote would be for Andy. 
It was a fantastic 30 minutes well spent. 
Even the Sunburn on my arms and chest was worth it for the enjoyment of watching them play.


July 4th

Our day started out lovely and sunny. Andy and Maggie had a splash in the play pool. And we threw around a baseball in the spirit of American Pride!
By 3 however... Alert Noah we need to borrow his ark
It was pouring like crazy and the street was flooding
We bought these fireworks at a local church. My favorite part was reading the warnings :)
Maggie enjoying Veggie Tales while waiting for it to get dark - Pure Focus!
Big claps for the pretty explosions yeah America!!
The fireworks were so pretty just like this little girl