

I can't believe I forgot to post about our new addition to the family... (goes to show my attention span is equal to a kumquat)

The Handsome, quirky and adorable Carlisle

A few weeks ago we went to the pound to rescue a cat and came home with him. We wanted a cat that was still young enough to mice but not a kitten. Good with Maggie. Tolerant of a dog. And all these things he is - however our other cat is not a fan. She sits at the base of our stairs and makes sure he doesn't come down....

So he has decided to make Andy's room his own. The benefits for Mr. Carlisle is that their is a soft, warm bed. A cute kid to pet him. A fish tanks which both soothes and temps his inner kitty.
I love how he curls up and just forces himself on you..."Pet me, Pet me Now"
Isn't he Handsome?!?

And yes if you were wondering he was named after Carlisle Cullen, from Twilight

1 comment:

Lindsie said...

What a handsome kitty!