Being the Minnesota girls that we are... We love hockey! I don't know if it's the ice and cool breeze or if it's the names we can't pronounce or spell. Cute boys who can skate. The fights! Well duh it's the fights! It's all about full contact sports with Mags. She likes action. My Dad and Kelly were able to get us Chicago Blackhawks tickets (13th row near the goalie- sweet!)
The Wee fan excited for Hockey!
All decked out in proper attire including a smile.

And she was so happy during their warm up! She loved the straw in her drink, impromptu chewy - very clever little girl.

Hockey @ Madhouse on Madison

Everything was going well until... National anthem. Load noises, louder music, weird lights... It was all down hill from there.

She just couldn't take it. My little fan wanted to get out of there so fast it wasn't funny.

But watching the game from the bar inside the arena was perfect...

1. Nothing ever goes as planned - So What? That's life! I'm not going to stress or get mad over it but I think a babysitter will be arranged for next time.
2. Recognizing what the world is like through Mags perspective is complicated and I need to work on understanding it.
3. Maggie looks darn cute in a hockey jersey!