Customer Service
Temple Grandin

Girls Night Out
Miss Snuggles
Grape Juice and a Board Book
St. Patrick's Day
Work Related Injuries
Chewy Tubes
I think about how other relationships in my life have taken a strain. BM (before Maggie) I used to go on weekend trips with my aunts or out to dinner with an hours notice. I was fairly good at nurturing the friends I wanted to keep for the long haul. Now I find myself thinking of a close friend and then forgetting to text because I'm cleaning up a mess in the kitchen. I am so exhausted by 9:30 I lose all motivation to call and talk for an hour with a friend.
I hope for these woman that they are able to "just keep swimming" in the words of Dori, from Finding Nemo, I don't expect them to work it out or for it to get better. I'm not pessimistic it's just I have seen so many difficult situations to know that your child is your priority and your spouse may be better support for the child if you go your separate ways. It's still never easy though...
This afternoon I opened the Autism Awareness update and this is what I read:
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
-1st Corinthians 13:4-7
I wonder how the Apostle Paul would feel about his words on facebook...
As a parent I love my child unconditionally. As an OCD parent, I remind myself not to freak out when there is cereal all over my backseat. As a woman, I would love to shop and do my hair and go out and have fun but as a mom I put my child first and decide to put her to bed myself and then watch a movie on the couch in my PJ's. As a parent I see the blessing that my child has given me. The joy of her laugh. I try to be ever patient, ever understanding and always willing to give my all for her. I am far from perfect.
Sometimes I have no idea why my child is freaking out! Sometimes I feel hopeless. I have a feeling it's never going to change. I feel like I'm in an endless rut. Day after Day.
So to give me some perspective I think of Paul's friend Timothy.
"I have fought the fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7
It may not be perfect but I have faith in those who are helping us. I have confidence in those who have been educated to provide the most for my child. I have hope for the future. And at the end of the day it may not be the fairy tale I once dreamt but I do have a
true love