I have always loved how Andy Loves Maggie. These are some of the ways He loves her.
He is sweet to her.
Gentle, always holding her hand.
Supportive, always encouraging.
Uplifting, he never puts her down or says something like "can't or she won't"
He is the first to clap for her.
When I tell him Maggie's new sign, he is the first to want to practice with her.
At soccer practice he waves and comes over to hug his biggest fan
He takes her on the trampoline - and doesn't bounce (he restrains himself so Maggie can bounce and he won't knock her over)

He reads labels and makes sure foods don't have gluten or dairy
He is also really concerned about calorie intake and sodium/sugar levels - it's cute
He sings "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City
He loves the Beatles and wants Maggie to like his music too
He watches VeggieTales with her and is almost as entranced as she is
When we go out and people say things like "your such a good big brother" he just smiles and
then says to me "they don't understand" - :)

He wants to go where Maggie goes, always and forever
He makes plans about the future and taking care of Maggie
He always is optimistic for her
He is always happy with a sign, or pointing or even a grunt - it's enough for him to understand her
He is hopeful, happy and the best Uncle I know
We love you Uncle Andy