Is this not the look of pure surprise and excitement???
Picture it, Owatonna, October 2010, the coolest sister ever surprising her baby brother with concert tickets to see his favorite band 'Owl City' for his birthday!
(sorry channeling my inner sophia, golden girls...)

I couldn't have made this more special if I tried. Halloween night in Owatonna, Adam young AKA Owl City's home town, last concert in North America for 2010, first major concert in his hometown and at his alma matter Owatonna High School. It was magical. It was emotional. It was a tremendous reflection of how far Adam has come and we were able to share in this incredible evening. Ah... and to top it off the weather was beautiful. Not a flake in sight.

I have to pat myself on the back for this one! But Andy had no idea where I was taking him. His guessing was good and all of his suggestions would have made for a good time but when he figured it out - OH Excitement and Joy and squeals of anticipation for what was to come!

Forgive my photos, they're from my phone - But You can tell we are about 10 ft from Adam and second row of screaming fans. We were mostly surrounded by normal calm music loving individuals, there was however a small cluster of obnoxious girls screaming for Adam (Hello, your 15 - statutory rape ?!?!!!! he's not that into you) I think they were 70% there for Adam 30% music.... Which is a shame because after the Beiber screaming let up his live performance was incredible. The Sound beautifully mixed. The lights a successful effect. I wasn't sure how the "bubble gum techno" - "melodic electronic" would translate LIVE....

But it worked! On stage was a violinist, cellist, keyboard/backup singer, electric guitar, drums, full percussion section complete with xylophone, drum machines and beat boxes. Adam played electric guitar and 2 keyboard set-ups that were obviously run through some modifying outboard equipment... but enough about my sound and execution break down - that is really only for sound geeks :)

OK so borrowed this pic - but it did look just like this :) It was intense at moments it felt like a techno dance club and your heart was thumping in your chest at other moments the combination of strings and light piano was more like a recital, In a good way.

Adam is kinda like 1 part Emo Chic, 1 part Hippy flower smelling love & light, 2 parts Nerd - emphasis on computers, 2 parts talented all rolled into this really awesome combination that is OWL CITY

I highly recommend the show and can't wait to see him again!