
Heart of the Matter

Update on the lil' Mags heart condition.

Maggie has finally broke the 40 lbs mark! That's right I'm excited about my child gaining weight... this is excellent for a variety of reasons. One being that the procedure which would go through the blood vein through her leg is an option versus opening her chest up.

Pro's of Leg Procedure:
Small scar - on her upper thigh, no one will ever see it!
only a couple stitches - compared to many more on her chest :(
less pain - morphine still required absolutely and will be completely sedated.

It looks like they can schedule the procedure to occur in June which is perfect with my school schedule and hopefully by then she will have gained another pound. One can hope right?!?

1 comment:

Lindsie said...

YAY! So glad to hear! Hoping she can gain pound. Yay Mags! :)