
It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Nothing is more wonderful than Horseback riding season! After all the mandatory, repetitive therapies - Horse Therapy is an exciting break! She loves the bumpy ride, giving them hugs and touching their noses. She likes singing to herself and noticing every little detail around her. I love watching her smile and rock herself to try to get the horse going faster :) I wish I could go riding every week - Lucky GIRL!
This particular horse she is riding is one of the smaller horses, but typically she likes the taller, larger and faster horses! She giggles like it's the most wonderful ride ever!
Signing 'Touchdown' while on the horse...

1 comment:

Jaime said...

My four year old daughter with Autism loves horses too. I would love to have her in horse therapy but am so afraid of her falling off or getting kicked. What age did Mags start? Also, if you woud like to check out my blog I would love any advice. Thanks for sharing! She is a really cute girl. Abby's Mom